
Caffeinated Liv-ing

Welcome to a day in the life of Liv! I’ll be talking all things coffee, from my favorite local cafés, new roasters and blends I’ve tried, my brewing routine, with some lifestyle and college-related updates sprinkled in as well.

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IWD Shout-Outs: Great Woman-Owned Coffee Roasters and Cafés In New England

In honor of International Women’s Day, I’ve compiled a short list of some of my favorite woman-owned and co-owned roasters + cafés in New England.  Coffee Roasters I have had Brio coffee in various cafés across Vermont, and love their café as well. They have an amazing variety of coffee to choose from and are…

It’s that time of year, folks. Late December brings another Caffeinated Liv wrapped. This year, I’m breaking it down by US-only, as well as including abroad. I’ll share my most expensive lattes, average price per coffee, and total amount spent on coffee this year. Plus, a comprehensive list by state of each café I visited,…

My September Coffee Recap

Wow, September may only be 30 days, but it’s been quite a long-feeling month, in a good way. Coming back to school makes all my days feel more full, and being busy definitely calls for additional caffeination. Here’s a quick survey of the coffee I’ve been drinking this month. At home: making great use of…

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